Directory of Languages and Linguistics at U of T

Brousseau, Anne-Marie

Phone: 416-926-1300x3357
Fax: 416-926-2328
Department: French
Status: Faculty
Courses taught:
JFL 478F Issues in French and Linguistics II (French in Contact)
FRE 274S Introduction to the Literary Analysis of French
FRE 277Y Orthoepy
FRE 387S French Morphology
FRE 386S French Semantics
FRE 479S Sociolinguistics of French
FRE 1100 Linguistics Seminar
FRE 1125F Linguistics Seminar III: Morphology and Semantics
FRE 1128S French in Contact
JAL 401F/JAL 1145F Fieldwork Methods
Research interests: Derivational morphology and composition (theory, interface, productivity, lexicalization, compounding); St. Lucia Creole (description, morphology, lexicon, phonological variation and interference); Haitian Creole (genesis of phonological system, comparisons with sources (Gbé, French), formation from the perspective of L2); French (derivational morphology, composition, lexical semantics).
Languages: French; French-based Creoles: Haitian Creole, St. Lucia Creole; Fongbe and other Gbé languages (Ewé, Gen, Aja, etc.)
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