Directory of Languages and Linguistics at U of T

Stock, Markus

Phone: 416-926-2327
Fax: 416-926-2329
Department: German/Center for Mediaeval Studies
Status: Faculty
Courses taught:
GER 200Y Introductory German II
GER 327S Deviance - Madness - Outsiders
GER 324S Intro to German Poetry
GER 365S Knights and Dibbuks: Yiddish and German Storytelling before 1700
GER 411S Introduction to Critical Theory
GER 424S Writing the Self in Poetry
GER 426S Middle High German/Introduction to Medieval German
GER 1200F Introduction to Medieval German Language and Culture
MST 2001F Old Saxon
MST 2005S Medieval German Heroic Epic
MST 2006S Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival
Research interests: Old and Middle High German; language history; high medieval epic and poetry; German (mediaeval and early: literature, language, culture); birth of German Philology (16th c.).
Languages: German, Old, Middle High, Early Modern; Old Saxon
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