Directory of Languages and Linguistics at U of T

Smyth, Ronald

Phone: 416-287-7172 (Scar), 416-978-8211 (SG), 416-978-1768 (SG lab)
Fax: 416-287-7116 (Scar), 416-971-2688 (SG)
Department: Linguistics/Psychology (UTSC)
Status: Faculty
Courses taught:
(St. George)
JLP 315S/2451S Language Acquisition
JLP 374F/2450F Psychology of Language
LIN 305S/1005S Quantitative Methods
LIN 415H Second language Acquisition
LIN 471S/1270S Advanced Psycholinguistics/Models of Language Behaviour
PLI C24H Language Acquisition
PLI C55H Psycholinguistics
PLI D55H Speech and Language Disorders
Research interests: Psycholinguistics (Interface between linguistic knowledge and language comprehension, production, and acquisition; anaphora resolution (pronouns, PRO, traces, VP anaphors, and definite NP); subject-verb agreement errors in production; working memory capacity; lexical inhibition); Sociophonetics (Microphonetic variation in consonant and vowel articulation; male/female acoustic differences and sexual orientation/gender identity); Language acquisition.; (Currently, Program Director UTSC)
Languages: English; Tagalog
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